What is Braving Body Shame?

Braving Body Shame is a ‘Lived Experience’ conference that will focus on the ‘Braving Body Shame’ stories of our amazing Speakers. What is their unique lived experience with body shame? How did they overcome, or how are they overcoming body shame in their life? How does body shame show up in their life? Where do they find support? These are all questions that others working through their own body shame or supporting a client/friend/loved one through their journey has come up against. We wanted to bring stories together that give insight into what it’s REALLY like for people experiencing body shame out in the world today and the unique ways they deal with them. Facts and figures are important but they are only a small part of understanding the effects that Body Shame can have on a person and how important it is for us to take in the whole STORY when working to heal those effects.

Why now?

After attending a couple of in-person academic conferences, one of our hosts saw that there was a BIG part of knowledge and understanding missing from each conference. She realized that there was a great NEED for a conference that was more accessible and less academic-focused. After sharing her frustration with what was missing she decided to put a team together and create what wasn’t out there. Together we agreed that we wanted to make this conference:

  • Intersectional
  • Financially feasible for more people
  • Non-academic Focused on Lived Experience
  • Easier to access

Who is this conference for?

EVERYONE! There will be stories about all different types body shame from a variety of speakers. All participants will take away great learning and tools to incorporate in their own lives or with clients. Everyone is welcome!!


Virgie Tovar

Author, Podcaster, TEDx Speaker, Feminist Scholar

Pia Schiavo-Campo

Author, Blogger, Social Justice and Body Liberation Activist

Victoria Welsby

Author, Body Image Expert, TEDx Speaker

Anna Sweeney

Certified Eating Disorder Registered Dietitian, Certified Intuitive Eating counselor

Ragen Chastain

Speaker, Author, Blogger, Health Coach, Athlete, Functional Fitness Specialist

Patrilie Hernandez

Health Specialist and Nutritionist

Melissa Toler

Writer & Speaker

Gloria Lucas

Social Justice Eating Disorders Educator

Ruby Smith Díaz

Personal Trainer

Meredith Noble

Fat Liberation Coach and Certified Body Trust® Provider

Sonalee Rashatwar

Clinical Social Worker, Sex Therapist, Adjunct Lecturer and Grassroots Organizer

Destiny Dimattei

Creator of Positive Bodies Baltimore Peer Support Group

Charis Stiles

Therapist and Educator

Jacquie Barbee

E-RYT 200 HR Yoga Teacher

Danielle Catton

Wife, Maker, Advocate and Writer

Shira Rose

LCSW (Licensed Clinical Social Worker)

Dora Lopez

Founder of Fat Chicana Feminist

Kaitlin Anderle

Social Worker and Fat Activist

Brianna Campos

Mental Health Counselor

Rachel Millner

Psy.D., CEDS-S, CBTP(r) Fat Positive Therapist and Activist

Ashlee Bennett

Registered Art Therapist, Counsellor and Author


Creator, Host, and Editor of The Fat Lip

Tiana Morton

Mom, Wife, KinderPrep Program Owner, and Teacher

Chef Fresh Roberson

Community-loving, Unapologetically Fat, Black, Genderqueer, Working-Class Dyke

Seryna Myers

Sacred Soul Mentor, Author, and Creator of The Lightwalker’s Path Podcast


Social Media Disrupter

Celeste Mick

Hiker Enthusiast